I have been looking forward to this week for
This is the week that (every summer) my hubby goes to Northern Michigan to play hours upon hours of golf. I miss him when he goes, but I am always able to get so much done around home! It just so happened that this year, his golf trip fell on the same week as my nanny job's family vacation.
No work? And no wifely duties?
For a whole week?! Yippy!
I've been so excited to have all the hours of my day to devote to developing my business. I have some fun changes to share about all that... but I'll save that for another day.
I thought I'd share my first project of the week. ORGANIZING. I decided to clean up the closet and storage shelves in my sewing room, and it turns out I'm a bit of a fabric hoarder. Who knew?! I mean...besides the ladies behind the fabric counter at the craft store ;-)

I had no idea how much fabric I have! I set out to organize in a way where I can see what I have, and have it easily accessible. I found this tutorial on Little Green Bean for homemade fabric bolts: Brilliant! I bought 6 sheets of foam poster board, and cut them into 10" x 7.5" sections.

I love how it's all coming together... but the first 48 bolts I cut weren't enough. I'm on my way to the store now for more of the wonderful foam poster board. Tune in later for the finished product!

This is the week that (every summer) my hubby goes to Northern Michigan to play hours upon hours of golf. I miss him when he goes, but I am always able to get so much done around home! It just so happened that this year, his golf trip fell on the same week as my nanny job's family vacation.
No work? And no wifely duties?
For a whole week?! Yippy!
I've been so excited to have all the hours of my day to devote to developing my business. I have some fun changes to share about all that... but I'll save that for another day.
I thought I'd share my first project of the week. ORGANIZING. I decided to clean up the closet and storage shelves in my sewing room, and it turns out I'm a bit of a fabric hoarder. Who knew?! I mean...besides the ladies behind the fabric counter at the craft store ;-)

I had no idea how much fabric I have! I set out to organize in a way where I can see what I have, and have it easily accessible. I found this tutorial on Little Green Bean for homemade fabric bolts: Brilliant! I bought 6 sheets of foam poster board, and cut them into 10" x 7.5" sections.

I love how it's all coming together... but the first 48 bolts I cut weren't enough. I'm on my way to the store now for more of the wonderful foam poster board. Tune in later for the finished product!

3 Responses to "My Work-cation" (Leave A Comment)
June 15, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Oh I did that with my fabric too, but I just used some cardboard we had around the house! I love how much easier it is see my fabric that way.
June 16, 2011 at 12:10 PM
I wish I had cardboard laying around the house- It would have been a lot cheaper! :) It's soooo nice being able to see what I have.
June 27, 2011 at 10:50 AM
What a great way to organize! In the middle of moving- and it gives me an idea how to organize the new work space :)
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