As I wrote in my post yesterday, my husband is out of town. One of my favorite things to do is cook him dinner any night that we are home- I love cooking! I just can't seem to get myself to cook for 1 (Any tips that will encourage me to cook for myself only?). So what have I been eating since he left Tuesday morning?
Cereal. Kashi cereal, to be more specific. I love it. I love every variation I've ever tried. I think what I love most is knowing that it's all natural, and most is even organic. (I like my cereal minus the chemical additives, thank you!)
As much as I love my cinnamon, vanilla, or honey sweetened morsels swimming in that cold milk (MMMmmm), after 6 meals in a row I've had enough. Whoever said you can never have enough of a good thing is wrong. I'd rewrite that statement to say:
You can never have enough of a good thing, if you eat it every now and then.
Last night I went in search of an interesting healthy, natural, and enticing breakfast food. And I love what I came across. I absolutely adore the blog Kath Eats. She has so many wonderful recipes and ideas on how to eat real food. I stumbled upon her recipe for Banana Baked Oatmeal, and I knew that was just the thing I was looking for! Head over there for the delicious recipe, and maybe to find a few more you might like.
Here is what mine looks like. I don't have in-progress pictures because I didn't realize I'd be posting about this until I tried it and realized just how delicious it really is. Check out the recipe blog for more pictures!
I sent this picture to my husband, and I think he's just as excited to try this as I was!
Hold the Cereal, Please! | 0 comments»
Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 10:03 AM
The Finished Product | 2 comments»
How sweet it is!
There is nothing like a freshley organized workspace. There is still a bit more work to be done...I'm using the same bolting technique, but on a smaller scale to accomodate smaller swatches of fabric.
Is there a space in your home or office that you just HAVE to have organized?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 10:10 AM
My Work-cation | 3 comments»
This is the week that (every summer) my hubby goes to Northern Michigan to play hours upon hours of golf. I miss him when he goes, but I am always able to get so much done around home! It just so happened that this year, his golf trip fell on the same week as my nanny job's family vacation.
No work? And no wifely duties?
For a whole week?! Yippy!
I've been so excited to have all the hours of my day to devote to developing my business. I have some fun changes to share about all that... but I'll save that for another day.
I thought I'd share my first project of the week. ORGANIZING. I decided to clean up the closet and storage shelves in my sewing room, and it turns out I'm a bit of a fabric hoarder. Who knew?! I mean...besides the ladies behind the fabric counter at the craft store ;-)

I had no idea how much fabric I have! I set out to organize in a way where I can see what I have, and have it easily accessible. I found this tutorial on Little Green Bean for homemade fabric bolts: Brilliant! I bought 6 sheets of foam poster board, and cut them into 10" x 7.5" sections.

I love how it's all coming together... but the first 48 bolts I cut weren't enough. I'm on my way to the store now for more of the wonderful foam poster board. Tune in later for the finished product!

at 6:34 AM
Summer Favorites | 0 comments»
1. Be outside.
2. Use our grill to cook dinner almost every night.
3. Harvest small batches of fruits and vegetables in my small garden.
4. Visit the farmers market on the weekends to pick up lots of local fresh produce.
5. Go to my husbands softball games (where I also get to hang out with girlfriends!).
6. Drive with the windows down early in the morning.
7. Eat corn on the cob and strawberry shortcake.
8. Talk to my mom on the phone any time of day- Yay for teachers having summers off!
9. Sitting out on my patio, soaking in the sun. While listening to Pandora on my iPhone.
10. Heading to Michigan to visit with family, and to spend a week at our summer camp.
11. Swimming in the pool.
12. Planting flowers and watching them thrive!
13. Cooking with the herbs from my potted herb garden.
14. Wearing flip flops so much that tan lines form on my feet.
15. Homemade lemonade.
And my newest favorite thing....

What are some of your favorite summer things?!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 12:35 PM
Grandma Ruby's Crazy Crust Labels: Recipes | 0 comments»
So far, so good! My strawberries are booming. The peas have pods. There are the cutest little green tomatoes forming. But the one thing that I'm the most excited for, is my blueberry bush. I can't wait for all these green berries to turn into plump, blue morsals.

I have specific plans for the berries you see in this picture. I grew up spending a lot of time with my mom's grandmother. Grandma Ruby was a good ol' gal, born and raised in the southern state of Arkansas. My most vivid memories of spending time at their house revolve around food. Tasty, rich, Southern food. Peach cobbler was one of my favorite things that Grandma made. While baking in the oven, it smells like pure summer Heaven. I'm sharing this recipe with you in hopes that you, too, can enjoy a little "summer heaven" in your own home.
Grandma Ruby's "Crazy Crust" Cobbler
1/2 cup butter (REAL butter)
1 cup white sugar
3/4 cup flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup milk
3 1/2 cups fresh fruit, any kind (OR 28 oz. can pie filling)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place butter in 11 x 13" baking dish, and place in the oven to melt. In a medium bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Stir in milk (a little at a time). Once butter is melted, pour batter into center of the dish, on top of the butter. Add your fruit on top of the batter. Bake 35-45 minutes, or until it is puffy and browned on the edges.
Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 12:05 PM
The Passion that Drives You | 0 comments»
What is it that you are passionate about? There are many things in my life that bring me great joy. God, my marriage, a piece of milk chocolate after dinner, family, friends, the smell of the earth after a good rain... There are so many things that make life rich. So many things to enjoy, and so much to be grateful for. Now I ask you this: What makes you passionate? What is the thing that drives you to be your very best?
"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever that may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you, and BECAUSE OF you." -T. Alan Armstrong
Do you remember when you were a child, and you had that favorite animal? For me, it was horses. I didn't spend much time around them, but there was this deep longing and affection for them. Horse figurines adorned the shelves in my childhood room. The border paper were horses wistfully looking over the fence at me. My favorite books were The Saddle Club series, where the girls all rode together. I was passionate about my love for horses.
I wonder how many of us lose sight of our passions as we grow into responsible adults. With all the demands that are placed on us day in and day out: keeping up a household, children, work, bills...
I challenge you to look into yourself, and really consider what it is that drives you. One of the things that has always been a huge factor in my life is art. I am passionate about creating. I am excited to share more about what I do, and how I got here.
And please: Share with me what you are passionate about!
Here is a peek at what my passions have driven me to create lately. I look forward to spending more time getting to know you!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 6:23 PM