I have mulled this question over in my mind over the past year, as I was developing my business. There are only a hand full of stores locally that sell handmade clothing items. So is there a demand for it? This topic came up briefly at a pool party I attended this weekend.
A friend of mine told me my prices started too low. I explained that I did that on purpose- that I wanted to get my name out there, and prove that my clothing is worth more.
But then another friend chimed in and said that she thought my prices were good. She said something I have been thinking about over and over this past year: She could run into Target and get a similar item for 3 times cheaper than most handmade clothes.
So... Why buy homemade?
Buying homemade clothing or other items is the same as buying a piece of art. Each piece has been carefully crafted by someone who is passionate about their work. All the fabrics, buttons, and ribbons have been purposefully picked. There is something so unique about buying handmade clothing. No two peices are the same, even if they are very similar. This makes it, in my mind, art.

Then there is the debate on the mass produced clothing lines. They are created by cold machines, or in many cases, by workers in sweatshops. The demand for cheap clothing has really created a cycle of consumerism controlling the work conditions for so many needy people around the world. I do know in many ways the third world country sweatshops have imporved, but there are still many poor conditions associated with it.
Many people who sell handmade clothing online or in local stores operate out of home-based businesses. So buying handmade clothing supports a persons personal, as well as local economical well being.
If you're one who buys homemade items, what is it that you look to purchase? Home decor, children's clothing, tote bags? There are so many WONDERFUL things available! Check out www.etsy.com to support many amazing artisians.